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Ref: 7085

France, Death of Louis XVII 1795, bronze medalet by Loos


Obv: bust of Louis XVII left

Rev: The Angel of Death writing on a tomb REDEVIENT LIBRE LE 8 IUIN 1795 (free again the 8th June 1795), a book at the angel’s feet with LOUIS LOUIS XVI ANTOINETTE ELIZABETH

Condition: Almost extremely fine; Diameter: 30mm

References: Hennin 664; Feu.13514

Notes: The Dauphin Louis was the second son of Louis XVI and royalists dubbed him Louis XVII on the execution of his father. He died in prison aged 10, with speculation that he was poisoned. The names on the reverse, apart from Louis XVII, are those of his parents and his aunt Princess Elizabeth, all guillotined between 1792 and 1794. The medal was the work of Daniel and Friedrich Loos, in Berlin. It was the last in a series of six concerning notable victims of the French Revolution.


Price £110

France, Death of Louis XVII 1795, bronze medalet by LoosFrance, Death of Louis XVII 1795, bronze medalet by Loos

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