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Ref: 7084

France, Execution of Philippe of Orleans 1793, silver medalet by Loos


Obv: bust of the Duke left

Rev: crown with snake entwined around crossed sword and sceptre, date below (6 November 1793), legend in 8 lines above (“From his mountain at last, the monster on the summit receives from his equals the price of the ultimate crime”)

Condition: Extremely fine; Diameter: 30mm

References: Hennin 550

Notes: The Duke of Orleans was executed the same day that sentence was passed. The legend on the reverse suggests that he was punished for the way that he voted in the trial of Louis XVI. The medal was the work of Daniel and Friedrich Loos, in Berlin. It was the third in a series of six concerning notable victims of the French Revolution.


Price £125

France, Execution of Philippe of Orleans 1793, silver medalet by LoosFrance, Execution of Philippe of Orleans 1793, silver medalet by Loos

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