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Ref: 7059

Switzerland, History of the Roman Republic, Pyrrhus, Magacles and Cineas, silver jeton by J Dassier



Obv: Pyrrhus standing on a hilltop points out a Roman army encampment to his companion Magacles, ART MILITAIRE A.R. 472 in exergue


Rev: Cineas at right observes a meeting of the ROMAN SENATE, MAIESTE DU SENAT A.R. 472 in exergue


Condition: Good very fine; Diameter: 31mm


References: Eisler 19


Notes: No.19 in a series of 60 depicting the history of the Roman republic. These were struck between 1740-1750. The date on the jeton is the equivalent of 282 BC.



Price £95

witzerland, History of the Roman Republic, Pyrrhus, Megacles and Cineas, silver jeton circa 1740-1750 by J Dassierwitzerland, History of the Roman Republic, Pyrrhus, Megacles and Cineas, silver jeton circa 1740-1750 by J Dassier

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