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Ref: 7041

France, Leon Gambetta (politician), Monument erected 1888, bronze medal by S E Vernier



Obv: bust of Leon Gambetta left


Rev: view of the Gambetta monument


Edge: cornucopiae BRONZE  and numbered 46



Condition: Good very fine or better; Diameter: 70mm


References: CGMP3/387E


Notes: Leon Gambetta (1838-1882). The monument stood in the open space of the Louvre, where today’s glass pyramid is now. In 1941 the bronze statue at its top was melted down for the war effort by the Vichy government and in 1954 the entire edifice was dismantled. However the actual depiction of Gambetta was preserved and eventually re-erected in 1982 in a small park not far from the Pere Lachaise cemetery.



Price £70

France, Leon Gambetta (politician), Monument erected 1888, bronze medal by S E VernieFrance, Leon Gambetta (politician), Monument erected 1888, bronze medal by S E Vernie

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