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Ref: 7038

United States of America, General Nathanael Greene, Victory at Eutaw 1781, bronze medal by Augustin Dupré for the Comitia Americana series, late 19th century or later restrike



Obv: Nathaniel Greene’s bust left, NATHANIELI GREEN EGREGIO DUCI COMITIA AMERICANA around (The American Congress to Nathaniel Greene, a distinguished leader)


Rev: Victory advancing left over trophies, holding palm branch and laurel wreath, SALUS REGIONUM AUSTRALIUM around (The safety of the southern regions), in exergue HOSTIBUS AD EUTAW DEBALLATIS DIE VIII SEPT MDCCLXXXI (The enemy vanquished at Eutaw on the 8th of September 1781



Condition: Good very fine or better; Diameter: 57mm


References: Julian MI-10


Notes: The first restrikes of this medal are reported in 1891



Price £150

United States of America, General Nathanael Greene, Victory at Eutaw 1781, bronze medal by Augustin Dupré for the Comitia Americana series, late 19th century or later restrikeUnited States of America, General Nathanael Greene, Victory at Eutaw 1781, bronze medal by Augustin Dupré for the Comitia Americana series, late 19th century or later restrike

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