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Ref: 7029

France, The Indivisible Republic and the New French Era 1792, bronze medal by B Duvivier, rare



Obv: the French Republic seated holding fasces and cap of liberty, REPUBLIQUE UNE ET INDIVISIBLE around, NATION FRANÇAISE in exergue


Rev: ERE FRANÇAISE COMMENCE A L’ÉQUINOXE D’AUTOMN 22 SEPT. 1792 9 HEURES 18 MIN. 30 S DU MATIN A PARIS in 7 lines, zodiac signs above (the French Era starts at the autumn equinox 22nd September 1792 at 9h18m30s in the morning at Paris)



Condition: Extremely fine; Diameter: 42mm


References: Hennin 374


Notes: In October 1793 the National Convention declared that 22 September 1792 was the official start of Year 1 of the French Republic. The republican calendar was extremely complicated, despite being an attempt at decimalisation, and was abandoned by Napoleon on 1st January 1806.


Provenance: ex Daniel Fearon



Price £150

France, The Indivisible Republic and the New French Era 1792, bronze medal by B DuvivierFrance, The Indivisible Republic and the New French Era 1792, bronze medal by B Duvivier

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